July, 25th 2004 - Villeneuve-Les-Avignon
Ewan Shiels
Tracey Shiels
Régis Boulard
Estelle Amsellem
Paul Rodden
Paddy Hayter

The show took place near from Avignon on the Footsbarn tent, during its 2004 summer tour. After The Footsbarn Cabaret, The Sons of the Desert went on stage, with Paddy Hayter (Footsbarn director) on the ukulele and Paul "Mister Midnight" Rodden (who has played on the Sons second album, Greedy) on the banjo.
This special line up has played a few days later in Ajaccio, for the International Mandolin festival "Au son des Mandolines" under the name M.M.M.O. (Monstrous Massacre Mandolin Orchestra), and in last october, 29th in Lunel, near from Montpellier, for the "Festival de la nouvelle Mandoline".

That was the first appearance of the Sons with their new line up, including Estelle Amsellem their new double bass player.

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Enjoy !