December, 3rd 2005 - Mont de Marsan
Ewan Shiels
Tracey Shiels
Estelle Amsellem

The last gig of the Sons in 2005 was a bit special, as they performed as a trio including Ewan, Tracey and Estelle, in the occasion of the "Festival dans l'Espace" festival, for the 10th anniversary of the Cafe Music, along with the Rageous Gratoons, Sayag Jazz Machine, La Ruda, Gojira, Brahman and the Pistons Flingueurs! A very lively evening, during the one Tracey was chosen to be a member of the jury for the Air Guitar contest... As she's impartiality itself, no one knows who she voted for!

A big thank you to the Cafe Music team and the one of the festival, for their warm welcome and their kindness!

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