Out from his cabin, to walk he did come
Slung 'cross his shoulder, an axe and a gun
From the bullrushes the byull frog did croak
He picked up a stick and he give it a poke
A crowd of dumb animals gathered around
To watch as he did all his things on the ground
Swinging the axe as the beasts ran away
He sang to himself "yes it's chop-a-nose day"
Mama and Baba went over the way
Said Mama to Baba "yes it's chop-a-nose day"
Find me a needle, Find me a thread
Fetch me some water to clean up the bed
As he got nearer the face got more clear
The one that he blamed for the words in his ear
She spat and she ran as he whistled his tune
The owl gave a wink as he a cloud crossed the
Mama and Baba went over the way
Said Mama to Baba "yes it's chop-a-nose day"
Prick it and mark it, Bind it with string
Lock it in the cupboard 'till stone sparrows sing
But weeping won't heal
I've tried it myself a great deal
You'll take your medecine now
Soon there'll be sleep
Here is a flower that's yellow and green
A carrot, a cart and a temper that's mean
Here is a place, where most folk's won't stray
Especially when it is chop-a-nose day
Mama and Baba went over the way
Said Mama to Baba "yes it's chop-a-nose day"
Wash it and shave it, hang up to dry
Plant it in the garden and watch the crows fly
Bended bowed in a field to be flavoured
Fret and scold famously
They build a trap for the good of the lucky
To be back on the job
Gold star day
All Gone All Gone Again
All Gone The Story Ends
All Gone All Gone Again
All Gone
Two forms of catch any mood takes a
Skip a dash Carton Lake
The van pulled up where the tractors were
Fun was never far away
Step Smartly
All Gone All Gone Again
All Gone The Story Ends
All Gone All Gone Again
All Gone
Feather bed through a town runs
the rumour
In a stink caught by fire
Shelves comes down there's a lesson for
Canters'round the corral
Eyes Parsley
All Gone All Gone Again
All Gone The Story Ends
All Gone All Gone Again
All Gone
There was a man lived 'round our way
He had a Pekinese's face
Now and then I think of him
It's not so bad the state I'm in
Don't Praise Her
There's other to do that
There'll be trouble enough my friend
When those chickens get back
Don't Praise Her
You're lying trhough your teeth
I'd sooner spend Christmas time
With some murderous thief
They told me it was not my fault
A man can't live without no salt
Or write without an alphabet
So give me salt I need to sweat
Don't Praise Her
There's other to do that
There'll be trouble enough my friend
When those chickens get back
Don't Praise Her
You're lying trhough your teeth
I'd sooner spend Christmas time
With some murderous thief
We mopped the blood up off the floor
And wiped the handle of the door
Scrubbed, and scraped the night and day
Until that spot it went away
Don't Praise Her
There's other to do that
There'll be trouble enough my friend
When those chickens get back
Don't Praise Her
You're lying through your teeth
I'd sooner spend Christmas time
With some murderous thief
There was a man lived down our way
The click the clack
of nightingale and trap
A confidential strap - on wander ring
To work to fail
With progress like a snail
There isn't any ail inside my sling
As greedy as I get
I am not finished yet
I'll buy butter, when butter is dear
As hungry as I appear
I will not venture near
I'll buy butter, when butter is dear
A Pigling Pie
With currants for it's eyes
Is carefully concealed inside my cone
The culprit beat
Went howling down the street
And made beg pardon on his marron bones
As greedy as I get
I am not finished yet
I'll buy butter, when butter is dear
As hungry as I appear
I will not venture near
I'll buy butter, when butter is dear
A lower plane
A poisoned lover's lane
An alley that you walk down on your knees
To lie and cheat
To smother all that's sweet
Soon locked outside with someone else's
As greedy as I get
I am not finished yet
I'll buy butter, when butter is dear
As hungry as I appear
I will not venture near
I'll buy butter, when butter is dear
Slack, baggy, bonus, the things that own us
Will never show us any promise, gladly
From cup before me, twelve years I pour
That rusty door-key, disapoints me, sadly
Christmas can, break the strongest man
Make him wish he were still
A baby in a pram
That old kit bag upon my back
Is over filled begins to crack
That old kit bag upon my back
Is full
Ripped, restless slumber, watch ship go
Sure makes you wonder, will your number,
be called
Iceberg approaching, yourself reproaching
While others poaching, still slow-coaching,
Your wildest dreams, shivering in the breeze
Will rot like forgotten cheese
Should I take my time to wheeze
That old kit bag upon my back
Is over-filled begins to crack
That old kit bag upon my back
Is full
Christmas can, break the strongest man
Make him wish he were still
A baby in a pram
That old kit bag upon my back
Is over-filled begins to crack
That old kit bag upon my back
Is full
That old kit bag upon my back
Is over-filled begins to crack
That old kit bag upon my back
Is full
The name's Bruno
I could have been a dancer
but instead of my name
I took the plane
The name's Bruno
I could have been a dancer
but instead of my name
I took the plane
Mister Larry will cry tonight
Larry not quite right tonight
Mister Larry will not feel
Quite Right Tonight
I don't like it
When people say I'm up there
It's just the way that I sit
When I am at it
I don't like it
When people sayI'm up there
It's just the way that I sit
When I am at it
Mister Larry will cry tonight
"help me with my plight tonight"
Mister Larry will not feel
Quite Right Tonight
The name's Bruno
I could have been a dancer
but instead of my name
I took the plane
Bear baiting starts around ten
Followed by fist-fighting then
It would please me to take a light snack
But my knees always scrape in the sack
My coinscience clear as the mist
Begs me to forthwith desist
But the snow falling down on the flames
Only makes me to laugh like a drain
Throw them over the side
The evil captain cried
There'll be no one to mourn them so lose them
Kitchen Bathroom and Porch
Pick a patch to be scorched
And a things now must nest elsewhere
One time a sack by my door
Opened I'm changed evermore
And the note on it smudged by the rain
Only puzzles and adds to the strain
Fake foremen monitor us
Pay them with pishogue and cuss
For as sure as the dog loves is bone
I will not leave the sweetmeats alone
Reams of rose petal lies
See the tree there that died
Here comes no one with their poisoned
The day the sadness began
Grief crawled out of it's pram
and it pissed down, for evermore
Any Queen called for, drooping daisy
Diminishing gloves, clear voyance
Equally un-equal rope
Spinning bow-tiepremonition, Magazine tear
Six-Card repeat magneto
Midget production box
Elusive rabbits, Handkerchief pull
Double-load dove dan, Instant table
Jumbo prediction clatter-box plume wand
Tear-apart change bag
Tear-apart change bag
Tear-apart change bag
Wand a fool
Third time lucky, sleeve bouquet
high ball chop cup voodoo professional
razors blades
out of this word, cigarette through coin
pants between
Miraculous penetration
Mental epic gullotine
Elusive rabbits, Handkerchief pull
Double-load dove dan, Instant table
Jumbo prediction clatter-box plume wand
Tear-apart change bag
Tear-apart change bag
Tear-apart change bag
Wand a fool
Elusive rabbits, Handkerchief pull
Double-load dove dan, Instant table
Jumbo prediction clatter-box plume wand
Tear-apart change bag
Tear-apart change bag
Tear-apart change bag
Tear-apart change bag
Tear-apart change bag
Tear-apart change bag
Wand a fool
Wand a fool !
It started with a sneeze
The whisper of a breeze
And after that the day
Wore hack saw thin
She used to beat the trees
It was a strange disease
The children used to shout
"you're off your head"
Her husband didn't stir
Bedridden for a year
They called him Mister-face-ache-dust-
The dog it's name was Tray
It's tail it wagged away
But where it wagged
I don't know peepshow nest
She got into the bed next to Face-ache's head
He always used to snore but half shut down
Upon a closer look he didn't look so good
But then again he never ever did
The father he called 'round
Observed the lack of sound
But couldn't miss the leaking reeking stink
He headed for the stairs the woman was
A-beating on the trees with three long bricks
She's out again back in her pen
She's out again back in her pen
The husband in the bed was seventeen
week's dead
The father put his dinner in the fire
The bottom of the stairs the corpse's
widow there
A-holding up a hatchet watch it fear
She swung at him but missed
The she had a fit
He got outside where Tray was big dog snap
They had to shoot the dog
It wasn't very good
Take her to the mad house bad house hill
She's out again back in her pen
She's out again back in her pen
She kept the oven on
The Pope was 'sposed to come
And barbecue her old man cold man dead
An unfortunate mistake
Anyone could make
Tell that to the townsfolk frowns cloak fear
A donkey made of stone
The basket people home
Wrap them in a cobweb hog's head tin
It started with a sneeze
The whisper of a breeze
And after that the day
Wore hack saw thin aza doo da
(in a barn)
I accidentally nudged a man
While getting off a train
He glared at me and snarled
"I'll be seeing you again"
I hadn't time to tell him
That I really meant no harm
But now eight years later
The same man, has me
Cornered in a barn
By some wonderous miracle
I managed to escape
Moved to a house far, far away
Put barbed wire on the gate
They say a rat when cornered
Will go straight for the throat
So I Bought myself a shovel
And I dug myself a moat
Went up to the attic
Searched the dark bits with a torch
Bought a dozen Guinea fowl
And parked them on the porch
I even hired someone
To fix up an alarm
Fat lot of good that done me now 'cause
Eight years later the same man
Has me
Cornered in a barn
I accidentally nudged a man
While crawling off a train
And as he turned 'round
I put a bullet in his brain
I cried "my fear has gone"
As a policeman grabbed my arm
But now eight years later The same man, has me
Cornered in a barn
While walking away my mind it did change
And honest to goodness those thoughts they
where strange
The names I did know their impossible clothes
How sweetly and soothingly stoked up the stove
Promise you'll let me promise you will
Give me your holiday home
A stain on my coat the pocket's all broke
I smell steak and kidney in places remote
A knock at the door it's twenty past four
I guess i should leave so I won't tell you more
Promise you'll let me promise you will
Give me your holiday home
The wait the slap of the steak
Inside your pocket of lies
I truely wish I could take
Those pills that you get from the vet
While walking away my mind it did break
The wheels on the hill meet the ducks on
the lake
Your penny last poor those chips to eat raw
We'll turn off the light burn a cake from
the stove
Promise you'll let me promise you will
Give me your holiday home
The wait the slap of the steak
Inside your pocket of lies
I truely wish I could take
Those pills that you get from the vet
While walking away my mind it did change
And honest to goodness those thoughts they
where strange
The names I did know their impossible clothes
How sweetly and soothingly stoked up the stove
Promise you'll let me promise you will
Give me your holiday home
Promise you'll let me promise you will
Give me your holiday home
Give me your holiday home
Give me your holiday home
Blind these hands I'll never see
Blind these books I'll never read
Blind oo woe I'm blind
Sun comes comes up but i don't see the light
That's how it is when you live in the night
I can hear that old alarm clock ring
But tin hours just don't mean a thing
because I'm
Blind these hands I'll never see
Blind these books I'll never read
Blind oo woe I'm blind
Tell me to watch out I ask you how ?
I just called to say "I can see you right
I hold "War and Peace" in my hand
Not one word can I understand because I'm
Blind these hands I'll never see
Blind these books I'll never read
Blind oo woe I'm blind ow...
Blind these hands I'll never see
Blind these books I'll never read
Blind oo woeeee give me a 'C' a red one a
dead one